Palác Lucerna Europa Cinemas

Lucerna Cinema                                                                                 

Another Body

Another Body

Length:80 minutes

We live in a time when videos or images created by artificial intelligence are indistinguishable from the real thing. In the documentary Another Body, we come across a concept and a serious problem that can, in some cases, ruin your life – using artificial intelligence and the misuse of your identity, it is possible to create perfect pornographic videos, completely without your knowledge (so-called deepfake pornography). This is what happens to a college student who embarks on a harrowing journey into the dark world of deepfake technology to find answers, justice and to cleanse her true identity.

Length: 80 min

Year: 2023

Country of origin:

  • United states of America

We live in a time when videos or images created by artificial intelligence are indistinguishable from the real thing. In the documentary Another Body, we come across a concept and a serious problem that can, in some cases, ruin your life – using artificial intelligence and the misuse of your identity, it is possible to create perfect pornographic videos, completely without your knowledge (so-called deepfake pornography). This is what happens to a college student who embarks on a harrowing journey into the dark world of deepfake technology to find answers, justice and to cleanse her true identity.

Year: 2023

Country of origin:

  • United states of America